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Simply kawaii.

Selasa, 07 Juni 2011's been a long time yaaaa,,,gwe kangen sama blog ini,,,maaf ya blog jd tidak terurus :( salahkan rutinitas yang membuat saya hampir gila! ;(

btw,,,ini jam 3 pagi dan gwe memutuskan untuk tidak tdur,,,jam 5 pagi gwe udah harus sampe bandara,,,oh MY...gwe seneng sih jalan",,,tapi kalo sepagi ini,,males juga,..hohhhhhh,,,for killing time,,i decided buat update blog ini,,,
gwe akan pergi ke singapore beberapa jam lagi,,,gak sabar untuk shopping besar"an d sana...ok...gwe yakin bakal bokek d sana,,duit pasti langsung ludes sebelum waktunya,,LOL
gwe sedikit cemas dengan keadaan bokap yg kurang fit,,,tp i believe everything gonna be alright,,,

gwe udah lburan 3 bulank skrg dan sibuk dengan magang gwe dengan tugas yg gila,,,d sini gwe menyadari kalau kuliah dengan tugas"nya jauh lebih menyenangkan drpd tugas kerja,,at least kalo bikin kesalahan d kampus msh bs d perbaiki,,,nah kalo d tmpt kerja,,,akibatnya bisa sangat fatal,,,emank bukan gwe sih yg bikin gwe liat dr berbagai rekan kerja,,hasilnya sangat menyeramkan,,,sekarang gwe ngerti knp para dosen selalu bilank : saat kuliah,..lakukanlah kesalahan sebanyak-banyaknya,,,ternyata kalau d tmpt kerja,,,UDAH GA BOLEH LG BERBUAT KESALAHAN..walau sedikit apapun T.T

finally,,gwe harus mandi bntr lg,,,,see u soon my lovely blog :)

Posted @ [13.16]

Selasa, 03 Agustus 2010

Alright,,ini udah bener" lama gwe ga update blog,,i miss this blog so much,,,gwe baca terakhir semester 3 gwe posting,,and now??!!!i"m semester 5 already,,wkwkwk,,.maaf ya...

BTW,,.hari ini gwe mau cerita..gwe boring bgt!!!pagi" gwe kebangun gara" nyokap yang mau minjem baju,,.abis gwe kasih baju, lanjut tidur,,ga berapa lama kemudian ie" gwe dateng mau cr nyokap,,JADI bangunlah gwe "lagi",,gwe rasa itu cuma berselang 10 menitan,,karena ga enak, jadi gwe temenin ngobrol.,,dengan tampang masih ngantuk tentunya, ie" gwe yg bru pindahan dr medan ke jakarta sekitar 3 bulanan bakal balik lg ke medan karena ternyata ga betah d jakarta..berat c lepasin na,,karena ok!gwe akuin,,gwe sayang bgt sama ie" gwe,,,tp klo emank ga betah buat apa d paksa,,ya kan?? :) setelah nyokap slese mandi,,otomatis tugas gwe slese dan gwe kembali tdur pastinya,,,TAPIIIIIIIIII...kayaknya hari ini bener" tidak menghendaki gwe tdur ampe siang,,ga berapa lama gwe balik tdur,,MATI LAMPU!!!sooo,,karena panas,,gwe ga jadi tdur lg dan memilih pergi mandi sambil gelap"an,,

Kegiatan gwe berlanjut kebawah alias ke dapur,,biasanya nyokap udah siapin makanan d meja buat breakfast,,,setelah makan sambil baca komik (biasanya sambil nntn tv,,karena berhubungan mati lampu jd ga bsa nntn >.<) gwe duduk" bentar d dapur trus balik ke kamar lg sambil bbm-an sama twitteran,,,sekita jem 12 AKHIRNYA lampu menyala..THX GOD!!! tp ternyata gwe terlalu malas untuk bangun dr tempat tdur,,jadinya gwe tdur" sebentar,,

bosan berbaring,,gwe bergegas ke kamar koko gwe nyalain internet dan wireless,,tapi bru sampe kamar koko,,nyokap telp ke kamar suruh gwe turun kebawah.,,ahhhhhhhh,,,nyokap suruh ikut makan siang dan ikut ke pabrik,,soalnya abis dr pabrik mau jemput koko gwe yg bru pulank dr spore,,finally,,jem segini gwe bru bs online,,grrrrrrrr,,,,mana pas jmpt koko gwe d bandara tuh ssh bgt cr parkir,,nunggu na lama bgt!!!ya akhirnya gwe menganggap hr ini SUPER BORING!!!!

but i still thanksfull i have today,,and i hope tomorrow will more better than today!!^^

Posted @ [10.53]

Selasa, 08 Desember 2009
8 Des 2009

WoWwww...mantebbb...udah lama bgt ya gwe ga posting..pengen bgt posting tapi sibukkk..ujian dan tgasss dimana"..really hate this sucks life...come on..end it!!'ll just 2 days b4 final exam..huhu..really not ready,,,susah bgt..
*PerTama :
HI mendink lah ya..ngerti apa yg harus d pelajari...nah LoH..skrng yg gwe hadapin nih c haper!!!!gwe sama sekali ga tw apa yg hrs d pelajari..sial bgt tuh dosen...suruh bikin surat jawaban tapi close bookkkkk..d kira gmpng apa??cumiii..huhuhu,,,
* Kedua : GWE SAMA SEKALI GA NGERTI PELAJARAN HAN!!!dan gwe bakal trima nasib saja sambil mengharapkan miracle..hahaha,,

3 hari ini (senin sampe rabu ) merupakan minggu tenank...yapi buat gwe..ini HARI GILA!!!dimana gwe menghabiskan waktu gwe dengan melihat ke setumpuk kertas yg makin d liat makin pengen sobek" tUh kertas,,,damn!!!where's my free Life?????!!!

cOme on ..UAS berlalu lah..i really wanna breath freely...udah sesek d sem 3 ini...tyap minggu ga pernah tenank...ada aj tugas yg bikin ganjelan d hati...mana jadwal sem 4 msh bingung bgt lg,,aduh..ini idup byk bgt c ujian na...bener" have to learn to be more patient...huhuhu...GOD give me the strength!!!amien!!!hahaha

Udah ah..udah malem..ngantukkk..mau bobo..nungguin temen drtd mau curhat lama giLa..gwe tinggal tdur aja deh,,wkwk...nitess aLL..nites family~...mwahhh

Posted @ [07.57]

Minggu, 05 Juli 2009
5 Juli 2009

huaiii,,,kangen kangen kangen...pengen isi bloggg...hwehwehwe...aduh..sebenar na c gwe BT kmaren...!!!!!gara" akit dadakan..mangdu jd RUGIIII BESARRRR!!!!huaaaa..padahal bntr lg gwe mau ke persiapann segala mcm blum kelar..huaaa...bodo saat" mengerikan itu dah lewat...tinggal sembuin insomnia gwe aja neh...wkwkwkwk...

BTW..hari ini gwe seharian d hum..karena sakit gwe jd ga boleh keluar malem na c gwe pergi makan ama usual lah..yeayyyy..gwe bntr lg mau balik medan..sik asik...kuliner dah gwe..medannnn...i'm cominngggg...soon..wkwkwkwkwkwk....

omong"...gwe iri nih..lyat temen" gwe pada bza maen gitar..apalagi td lyat video na ko deddy maenin lgu when the children cry..huaaaaa..jd pengen bza maen gwe ga d karuniain bakat maen musik..dasar..wkwkwkwkwk....ntr aj d..klo gwe punya anak bru suruh dy blajar musik...wkwkwkwkw...obsesi dah..wkwkwkwk....

yawdah d..segini dlu ada kejadian pntng juga c..hahaha...siyaaa

Posted @ [07.10]

Sabtu, 27 Juni 2009
huhuhuhuhuhuhu....27 Juni 2009

hai hai hai....ini hr yg complicated bgt buat gwe..tanya kenapa???????coz hrz na hr ini gwe [ergi ke mangdu buat belanja...tapi berhubung koko gwe udah janji mau maen bultang ama temen na..JADI RENCANA ITU BATALLL SEMUA!!!!!maknyus dah..sialan..padahal gwe dah nanti bgt tuh momen na...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....yg pntng sabtu depan hrz jd,,,ga boleh batal lg..huaaaaaaaaaaaaa....karena ga jadi ke mangdu...alhasil lebih sial na lg..gwe d suruh beres" rumah..mau senenk malah jd sesat!!!!!aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....

dan lebih BAD dan yg menyayat hati + singer kebanggan gwe sejak smp meninggal dunia kemarin...huaaaaaaaaaaaa..gwe sedih bgt pas denger kabar ini...lagu" dy selalu dalem buat gwe... selain lagu na..gwe demen bgt ama jasa" sosial na dy...apalagi sikap lembut na ke anak kecil..walaupun byk gosip yg mengatakan klo itu cuma alibi supaya MJ bza melakukan pelecehan seksual sama anak"...GWE GA PERCAYA SEDIKITPUN... knp c dy hrz pergi secepat ini??padahal byk yg udah nunggu" konser na dy juli ntr... MJ..Rest In Peace..i just can say hope u'll got the better place there..we'll always miss n loph u..we'll always pray 4 u..goodbye my HERO...GBU...

There's A Place In
Your Heart
And I Know That It Is Love
And This Place Could
Be Much
Brighter Than Tomorrow
And If You Really Try
You'll Find There's No Need
To Cry
In This Place You'll Feel
There's No Hurt Or Sorrow

There Are Ways
To Get There
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Little Space
Make A Better Place...

Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me

If You Want To Know Why
There's A Love That
Cannot Lie
Love Is Strong
It Only Cares For
Joyful Giving
If We Try
We Shall See
In This Bliss
We Cannot Feel
Fear Or Dread
We Stop Existing And
Start Living

Then It Feels That Always
Love's Enough For
Us Growing
So Make A Better World
Make A Better World...

Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me

And The Dream We Were
Conceived In
Will Reveal A Joyful Face
And The World We
Once Believed In
Will Shine Again In Grace
Then Why Do We Keep
Strangling Life
Wound This Earth
Crucify Its Soul
Though It's Plain To See
This World Is Heavenly
Be God's Glow

We Could Fly So High
Let Our Spirits Never Die
In My Heart
I Feel You Are All
My Brothers
Create A World With
No Fear
Together We'll Cry
Happy Tears
See The Nations Turn
Their Swords
Into Plowshares

We Could Really Get There
If You Cared Enough
For The Living
Make A Little Space
To Make A Better Place...

Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me

Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me

Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me

There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me

There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me

You And For Me

You And For Me
Make A Better Place
You And For Me
Make A Better Place
You And For Me
Make A Better Place
You And For Me
heal the wordl we live in
You And For Me
save it for our children
You And For Me
heal the world we live in
You And For Me
save it for our children
You And For Me
heal the world we live in
You And For Me
save it for our children
You And For Me
heal the world we live in
You And For Me
save it for our children


Posted @ [07.39]

Kamis, 25 Juni 2009
25 Juni

hai...hai..hai....dughhh...cape hari ini seru loh..gwe dr pagi pergi fitness truz nntn nyangka..keren bgt tuh nyesel gwe ngantri bukan ngantri panjang c..pas gwe beli masih rada sepi..soal na jem set 11 gwe pergi beli busedd...dah lumayan jg orng,,ternyata ade cewe na koko gwe ikud...gwe mana ada yg kc tw gwe..pas mau beli tiket lg...gila abess...orng na dah sampe keluar pintu bioskop..maknyus kita tetap bersabar hati na da was was c..tkt dah ga ada tempat lg..soal na rame bgt yg nntn transformer...ampe gwe lyat d monitor na yg jem 4 punya jg dah ludes...padahal 3 studio tuh..4 sama premier...manteb emank ga nyesel loh...soal na keren bgt cerita na..robot na jg keren..c optimus na itu mobil gwe bza jd robot jg...kapan ya???eh tp jgn d...ntr malah kek terminator lg..manusia ama robot berperang...huaaaaaaaaa...serem klo sampe itu terjadi..back 2 the ngantri...setelah our turn...TERNYATA MASIH ADA SATU TEMPAT..PAS LG...TINGGAL 1...wkwkwkwk...emank beruntung kau fer...wkwkwkw...

Biz nntn...gwe..koko gwe,,,ci marline dan ferdy segera menuju ke JCO untuk membeli yogurt na..wuihhh..manteb enak bgt..beli yg couple..dpt 3 toping..udah big size lg...nymuyyy!!!mau lg...hwehwhe...toping gwe ada strawbery yg asem bgt...longan yg enak bgt..n chocochip yg manis abess...nyummm...nyummmm....

biz itu gwe melanjutkan perjalanan ke gramedia buat nemenin ci marline beli komik miko yg itu pulank d...hwehwhwe...bzok ci marline dah ke surabaya buat KP..huaaaaa....bakal sepi neh klo nntn...hwehwe...soal na selama ini klo nntn ama koko pasti ada ci marline..hwehwhewe...

BTW...gwe akhir" ini lg demen sama BBF korea..gwe nntn berulang" x...huaaa...LEE MIN HOOO...LOPH U SO ga ampe freak jg ya suka na..just like his face ...wkwkwk...yawdah..segini dlu d buat hr ini...mau nntn the secret of moonacre dlu..blum muncul d bioskop dvd na dah ori...jd nntn dluan d sebelum gwe lyat trailer na kek na seru c..jd pulank" nntn d...hwehwhe..yawdah..gwe nntn dlu ya...ciaooo...^^

Posted @ [04.52]

Kamis, 04 Juni 2009
4 Juni 2009...Cape..cape..dan cape...

Wah!! gwe dah lama bgt ga ngisi blog ini...gara" urusan gwe dan ambisi gwe yang menumpuk neh..jd blog kesayangan gwe terbengkalai seperti ini...huaaaaaaaaaaa...maap ya blog kuww...(=Lebay d) hahaha...
Duh..akhir" ini gwe capeeeeeeeee bggt...>.<...gwe ikud fitness yang membuat gwe tangan..kaki,..dan badan gwe mau gpp lah..supaya bza kurus gwe..bosen gendut mulu..hahahahhaa...gwe tuh pake PT alias personal trainer..lebih berat lg..soal na klo ada PT lebih d kontrol fitness na...walaupun cuma 1 jam tp kek dah 1 gwe dah turun 2 kilo loh!!!senenk"...klo gwe ga ambil inisiatif fitness d liburan gwe yg 3 bulan ini, d rumah doank..makan tidur...bah! bza" jd balon terbang gwe..hahahahaha...senin rabu kamis tuh gwe ma PT..selasa ama jumat fitness bebas bareng temen" gwe..hahahahaha...

Oh iya..sekarank d puri dah ada sour sally Loh.senenk bgt...gwe sekarank biz fitness selalu makan sour sally..pake smart card diskon 10%..lumayan lah..hahaha...slurp slurpp..enak...ukhh...jd ngiler neh malem"...hahahah

ok d,,,segini dlu hr ini...hoammmmmmmmmm...ngantuk...gwe bobo dlu ya..naitzz all..^^

Posted @ [06.44]

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i do Love Big Bang!!

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Designer : CeN De bLuE
Inspiration : AgcEnD

♥ Me, Myself & I
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D.O.B : 29/09/1990
School : Universitas Pelita Harapan
Hobby :STUDY!!!am i??haha

♥ Cravings
if only i have a fairy godmother...

- i wanna live in piece world
- i wanna someone who care n love me
- Finish my collage with amazing mark
- success in everything
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